Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Meet our president!

C.J. Suggs grew up in the small town of Madison, Georgia, which is approximately an hour east of Atlanta.  He grew up playing several sports, but his main passion was always music.  He doesn't like to admit it, but he was in marching band (not that there is anything wrong with that), though when confronted there is a good chance he probably won't admit to it.  "In Madison everybody graduates from high school, goes to college, than eventually comes back  to Madison to work until retirement," C.J. recalls.  "I never wanted that to be me.  I knew that small-life just wasn't something I was cut out for."

After high school C.J. attended the University of Georgia, where he dabbled in several different areas of study.  "I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, all I knew is that I wanted to do something that interested me, and I would worry about employment when I got there", say C.J.  "I ended up majoring in geography because I have always been fascinated with the world around me, but growing up in a small-town with working class parents, I was never able to see or experience it first hand so I figured this was the next best thing  He graduated in 2008 with a BA in geography and with no marketable skills except for waiting tables and bar-tending.  "After graduation I started applying for sales jobs in Atlanta, and  landed an entry-level position with a marketing firm.  I was super excited that I had found a job, while at the same time incredibly apprehensive because I had zero experience in sales.  Luckily I had a great trainer and coaches and was soon one of the top reps in the company."  Two years and several promotions later, C.J. realized that the he had progressed as far as he could in the company, and the only way he was going to achieve the goals he set for himself was to leave Atlanta and make a go at it on his own.

In February of 2011 he moved to Kansas City and opened up his own marketing firm, Livewire Concepts, Inc.  "I always liked the idea of working for myself, but never really considered it a possibility until my manager in Atlanta showed me how a successful company and organization is run.  It was kind of crazy that I went from being her employee to her actually encouraging and helping me open my own business.   It was my time in Atlanta that I learned what I believe are the 4 essential characteristics that can make anybody successful in business or life in general for that mater: people skills, work ethic, integrity, and a strong student mentality.  If you take care of your customers and clients,  success is sure to follow.  Since opening our doors a little over a year ago, we have used these principles to triple in size and are already planning to open another office in August," says Suggs.

"A lot of people have asked me, whether in college, while  I was job-hunting as a recent college grad, or more recently when someone I meet is curious about what it's like to be an entrepreneur, where do I see myself in 5 years?  I could share with them my goals, which most people would find ridiculous and unobtainable, but I've found that it's a lot more fun to simply reply, I'm not really sure, but I know it's going to be one hell of a ride!"

1 comment:

  1. I know that you will go far in this life, you deserve the best this world can give you and I know that you will get it.
